Oh man, today was such a good day! I woke up this morning and went to go take my bucket shower (which is something I can proudly say I have now perfected). Our awesome volunteer director for this summer, Julie, came and let me know that Dr. Susan had arranged for a few of the Rising Star boys to come to campus so I could get started on testing them. These boys live Thottanaval, which is the little village just outside the campus gate, and they walk to and from school each day. I was so excited that I would finally be able to get to work with some of the kids.
The four boys showed up right on time at 9 am. From then on, my day was more than made. They are the cutest kids ever! We introduced ourselves quickly, and I asked them what standard, or grade, they will be entering when school starts up. I discovered the boys are brothers, Ashok (8th std.), Vijay (5th std.), Moorthy (4th std.), and Karthik (3rd std.). We didn't even make it through our introductions before little Karthik grabbed my hand. He held my hand the entire way as we walked to the school. I was so surprised by how instantaneously these kids love you. Karthik knew me for about five seconds before holding my hand. I was so touched by his little gesture, and immediately fell in love with him and his amazing brothers.
We set up our testing area in the library of the school, and I began testing Ashok while the other three started playing outside. They came in after about two minutes because it was so hot outside. By this time, Callie (another volunteer here) had caught up with us, so she supervised the younger three as they played Temple Run on my phone. Unfortunately, my phone died after a while so I didn't get many pictures, but they will be coming. It was so great to get to spend a little one-on-one time with each boy as they took their tests. I was so proud that they were willing to come to school during summer time and work hard on their tests.
After a few hours, we finally got through all the testing and were able to just play and have fun. We all went outside and the boys took turns showing us all their skills. Moorthy started off with some incredible gymnastics. He was flying around the field doing cartwheels and flips all over the place. Little Karthik continually was trying to imitate Moorthy, as Ashok and Vijay watched their little brothers with patience and amusement. Then it was time for Ashok and Vijay to show us their rock throwing skills. They kept making goals for themselves, such as "this one will go over the mango trees" and "this one will go past the path".
It was so fun to be out with the boys, watching while they ran around exclaiming, "Auntie, watch this!" Finally, we all got too hot, so we went back in to the library where Vijay decided he wanted to play musical chairs. When that game fizzled out, we played tag around the table in the center of the room. Finally, we had to get the boys home so they could go eat lunch. We all said goodbye and waved about twenty times as they walked out the gates and down the path to the village.
I had the best time playing with those kids today. It was so fun to get to know their adorable personalities. I was amazed at their openness and ability to love freely. These kids see so many volunteers come and go throughout the summer and the years, yet they never let the short time frame hinder their love for the volunteers. They know they only have a few weeks with most of them, yet they don't hold back with their unconditional love in order to protect their own hearts. It is such an incredible quality that I deeply admire.
I was impressed with Ashok's kindness and patience with his brothers. No matter how many times he was interrupted or run into by the younger boys, he never lost his temper or showed signs of annoyance. He and I were able to bond over the fact that we share the same birthday and some of the same friends. I will always treasure the huge smile that lit his face when I told him I would be here for the whole summer.
Vijay had a little bit quieter disposition. He was a touch more reserved, but had his moments of craziness. It is very clear that he admires Ashok and looks up to him. Whenever Ashok showed me something he could do, Vijay would show me as well. His personality reminded me a bit of Preston, and it made me love him all the more.
Moorthy was a little fireball. That kid had more energy than any American kid I've ever met. He was continuously running around, flipping, and dancing. He showed us his crazy and incredible break dancing skills, and I was so impressed. He has a big personality and lets it shine.
Karthik is the cutest little guy in the world. From the moment he grabbed my hand, he had my heart. He is a tiny little kid, but he is similar to Moorthy in his endless energy. I loved watching him run around and play with his brothers with a huge smile on his face. He kept coming up to me and giving me hugs and sitting on my lap. I love that kid.
Playing with those kids today made me so excited for this weekend when all 230 of them come back. I'm so excited to fall in love with all of them and spend my days teaching, playing, and talking with them. I can't wait!
Oh man, today was such a good day! I woke up this morning and went to go take my bucket shower (which is something I can proudly say I have now perfected). Our awesome volunteer director for this summer, Julie, came and let me know that Dr. Susan had arranged for a few of the Rising Star boys to come to campus so I could get started on testing them. These boys live Thottanaval, which is the little village just outside the campus gate, and they walk to and from school each day. I was so excited that I would finally be able to get to work with some of the kids.
The four boys showed up right on time at 9 am. From then on, my day was more than made. They are the cutest kids ever! We introduced ourselves quickly, and I asked them what standard, or grade, they will be entering when school starts up. I discovered the boys are brothers, Ashok (8th std.), Vijay (5th std.), Moorthy (4th std.), and Karthik (3rd std.). We didn't even make it through our introductions before little Karthik grabbed my hand. He held my hand the entire way as we walked to the school. I was so surprised by how instantaneously these kids love you. Karthik knew me for about five seconds before holding my hand. I was so touched by his little gesture, and immediately fell in love with him and his amazing brothers.
We set up our testing area in the library of the school, and I began testing Ashok while the other three started playing outside. They came in after about two minutes because it was so hot outside. By this time, Callie (another volunteer here) had caught up with us, so she supervised the younger three as they played Temple Run on my phone. Unfortunately, my phone died after a while so I didn't get many pictures, but they will be coming. It was so great to get to spend a little one-on-one time with each boy as they took their tests. I was so proud that they were willing to come to school during summer time and work hard on their tests.
Karthik playing around with Callie in the library. I didn't get a picture of Ashok before my phone died, but that's him behind Karthik.
Moorthy (in the front) and Vijay (in the back) waiting patiently for their turn to be tested
After a few hours, we finally got through all the testing and were able to just play and have fun. We all went outside and the boys took turns showing us all their skills. Moorthy started off with some incredible gymnastics. He was flying around the field doing cartwheels and flips all over the place. Little Karthik continually was trying to imitate Moorthy, as Ashok and Vijay watched their little brothers with patience and amusement. Then it was time for Ashok and Vijay to show us their rock throwing skills. They kept making goals for themselves, such as "this one will go over the mango trees" and "this one will go past the path".
It was so fun to be out with the boys, watching while they ran around exclaiming, "Auntie, watch this!" Finally, we all got too hot, so we went back in to the library where Vijay decided he wanted to play musical chairs. When that game fizzled out, we played tag around the table in the center of the room. Finally, we had to get the boys home so they could go eat lunch. We all said goodbye and waved about twenty times as they walked out the gates and down the path to the village.
I had the best time playing with those kids today. It was so fun to get to know their adorable personalities. I was amazed at their openness and ability to love freely. These kids see so many volunteers come and go throughout the summer and the years, yet they never let the short time frame hinder their love for the volunteers. They know they only have a few weeks with most of them, yet they don't hold back with their unconditional love in order to protect their own hearts. It is such an incredible quality that I deeply admire.
I was impressed with Ashok's kindness and patience with his brothers. No matter how many times he was interrupted or run into by the younger boys, he never lost his temper or showed signs of annoyance. He and I were able to bond over the fact that we share the same birthday and some of the same friends. I will always treasure the huge smile that lit his face when I told him I would be here for the whole summer.
Vijay had a little bit quieter disposition. He was a touch more reserved, but had his moments of craziness. It is very clear that he admires Ashok and looks up to him. Whenever Ashok showed me something he could do, Vijay would show me as well. His personality reminded me a bit of Preston, and it made me love him all the more.
Moorthy was a little fireball. That kid had more energy than any American kid I've ever met. He was continuously running around, flipping, and dancing. He showed us his crazy and incredible break dancing skills, and I was so impressed. He has a big personality and lets it shine.
Karthik is the cutest little guy in the world. From the moment he grabbed my hand, he had my heart. He is a tiny little kid, but he is similar to Moorthy in his endless energy. I loved watching him run around and play with his brothers with a huge smile on his face. He kept coming up to me and giving me hugs and sitting on my lap. I love that kid.
Playing with those kids today made me so excited for this weekend when all 230 of them come back. I'm so excited to fall in love with all of them and spend my days teaching, playing, and talking with them. I can't wait!
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